Overcoming the Impact of Staffing Shortages
Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director
A deep dive into the impact of teacher shortages on education and how technology can support shifting classroom realities
Join Promethean and our education partners for an open conversation about the impact of staff shortages, how the role of an educator is changing, and how technology is continuing to support the needs of teachers and students.
With the release of Promethean’s annual State of Technology report, discussion will be underpinned by key findings and statistics shared by educators across the US. Our goal will be to outline a realistic view of current staffing concerns, discover the wider impact on the role of not only teachers, but school leaders and IT administrators, and assess how technology’s application in the classroom can sustain crucial teacher-student relationships.
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Key takeaways:
• A clear understanding of how educators feel about current school staffing
• How staffing is impacting the role of an educator
• How staffing is impacting the relationship between teachers and students
• Best practices in applying technology to support and foster student engagement