Editor’s note: This story on digital learning originally appeared on CoSN’s blog and is reposted here with permission.
Key points:
- Small design changes when creating digital content can make a huge impact on how audiences ultimately learn information
- See article: 5 essential digital learning reads
- See article: How meta creativity prepares students for the future
- For more news on digital learning design, visit eSN’s Digital Learning page
- Stay up to date on the latest trends about learning in the digital age
Teachers, principals, and district administrators are creating digital content every day for a variety of audiences. From classroom lessons and professional learning resources, to staff guides and announcement graphics, more and more information is being delivered in a visual way. Research shows that we process information presented in visual form more quickly than that presented in writing. However, if digital content is created without consideration of accessibility, visual processing, and basic design principles, the message we are trying to communicate can get lost, or worse, misinterpreted. …Read More